US release date Demon Slayer Infinity Castle It is officially set.

Crunchyroll has announced the North American release date for the highly anticipated Daemon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Infinity Castle. The upcoming film will serve as the first film in Ufotable’s epic trilogy.

The story of the Devil Slayer begins with the quest of a boy who revenges the death of his family at the hands of the devil. He then joined the Demon Slayer squad, supporting the only family left in his life, the protection, and returned to humanity. The film trilogy serves as the final arc of the Devil Slayer.

When is the Demon Slayer Infinity Castle US release date?

Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures Entertainment will bring Demon Slayer Infinity Castle to theaters in North America and Canada on September 12, 2025. Aside from the US release dates for upcoming films, they also clash with different cinemas across different territories. Check out the following schedule:

  • August 14: Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan
  • August 15th: Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia
  • August 20th: Philippines
  • September 11: Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Caribbean (Jamaica, Alba, Suriname, Trinidad, Tobago, Curacao), Central America, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Equadore, Paraguay, Uruguay, Vanezuera, Australia, Bahrain, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Nezarulands Slovenia, Switzerland (speaking Italian), Syria, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates
  • September 12: India, Mongolia, Spain, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Kenya, Latvia, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, UK
  • September 17: French, French, French Africa, Switzerland, Luxembourgish, French speaking)
  • September 18th: Moldova
  • September 25: Austria, Germany, Switzerland (speaking German)

Check out the teaser trailer below (see clips and trailer details):

“As members of the Demon Slayer Corps and Hashira participate in Hashira Training, a group strength training program, Muzan Kibshuji appears in Ubuyashiki Mansion in preparation for future battles with the Demons. As the Demons’ leader is in danger, Tanjiro and Hashira rush into headquarters, but at the hands of Muzan Kibshuji enter a deep descent into a mysterious space,” reads the official overview. “The destination where Tanjiro and the Devil’s Murders fell is Infinity Castle, the Devil’s base, and the battlefield is set as the final battle where the Devil’s Murders and the Devil’s Murders are lit.”

The Demon Slayer Infinity Castle will hit US theatres on September 12th.

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